How Quibim is contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 

Introduced by the United Nations in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute a series of 17 interconnected global objectives crafted to foster a better and more sustainable future by 2030.  These objectives encapsulate a comprehensive approach, addressing many challenges like poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. At Quibim, our determined commitment lies in promoting a positive impact on these goals through our cutting-edge imaging technologies and AI-driven precision solutions, elevating patient outcomes and reshaping the healthcare landscape. 


What does “Sustainability” mean to Quibim? 

In our endeavor to enhance healthcare and patients’ lives through precision solutions guided by artificial intelligence, sustainability at Quibim entails developing groundbreaking innovations that redefine the current landscape and secure a robust and thriving future. This endeavor requires effectively managing the swift progress of artificial intelligence in healthcare while considering its enduring environmental, societal, and ethical consequences, aligning technological progress with the welfare of our planet and its inhabitants. 


How Quibim impacts the SDGs 

Quibim’s activities mainly impact nine Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):  

  • SDG 3: Good health and well-being 
  • SDG 4: Quality Education 
  • SDG 5: Gender Equality 
  • SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth  
  • SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure 
  • SDG 10: Reduced inequalities 
  • SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production 
  • SDG 16: Peace, justice, and strong institution 
  • SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals 




SDG 3: Good health and well-being 

Quibim is a company that develops AI-powered imaging tools to improve healthcare. Our technology helps doctors diagnose diseases more accurately, which can lead to better patient outcomes 

Prostate cancerranks as the second most prevalent cancer in men, posing a significant public health concern.While MRI scans are vital for early detection, the increased demand for scans has outpaced the growth of radiology experts. This has resulted in diagnostic delays and inconsistent interpretations, with only a minority of the medical community adhering to PI-RADS 2.1 guidelines. Quibim’s AI-powered solution, QP-Prostate®, is designed to streamline radiologists’ workflows. By automatically evaluating image quality, segmenting the prostate gland, and identifying suspicious lesions, QP-Prostate® empowers radiologists to deliver quicker and more accurate assessments, ultimately enhancing patient care.  




SDG 4: Quality Education 

At Quibim, we recognize the critical role of education in shaping the future of healthcare. Our scientists actively engage in teaching at universities and institutes, ensuring that young professionals receive the most up-to-date training in AI and healthcare. By delivering lectures and workshops, Quibim’s experts provide students with hands-on experience and cutting-edge knowledge. This empowers the next generation of healthcare professionals and AI specialists, equipping them with the skills to drive future innovations. In addition, collaborating with academic institutions, we help shape curricula to include the latest advancements in medical imaging and Artificial Intelligence. This ensures that educational programs remain relevant, and students are prepared for the evolving demands of the healthcare industry.




SDG 5: Gender Equality 

Gender equality is integral to Quibim’s ethos. Our technology development focuses on inclusivity, ensuring that all patients, regardless of gender, benefit equally from our innovations.  Our AI-powered imaging tools are designed to treat all patients equally. By focusing on the pixels in medical images rather than the patient’s gender, we reduce biases in clinical trials and promote gender inclusivity in medical research. 

Quibim is also committed to meritocracy and equality within its workforce. We prioritize gender equality in hiring and promotion. Our policies ensure that merit and talent are the primary criteria for career advancement, fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. We implement initiatives and policies that support work-life balance, attract top talent globally, and promote gender equality by accommodating the diverse needs of our employees. 




SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth 

Quibim cultivates a conducive work environment that fosters and encourages innovation and well-being for its employees. The 99/100 Great Place to Work® rating attests to this dedication. Additionally, it has been recognized as the Best Workplace in Technology 2024. The organization prioritizes equitable treatment, ongoing professional development, and harmonious work-life equilibrium through its “Work from Anywhere” policy. This methodology garners exceptional talents globally, fostering a diverse and thriving successful workforce. The substantial expansion of our team in recent years serves as a testament to the efficacy of this approach. 




SDG 9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure 

Quibim is a company at the forefront of healthcare innovation. We develop advanced AI solutions and state-of-the-art imaging tools. Our contributions improve healthcare infrastructure and promote sustainable industrialization through these imaging technologies used in hospitals worldwide. Our products include quality control, standardization, integration in the PACS, and analysis of imaging data, all of which work to streamline clinical workflows and improve patient care. Quibim also partners with top-tier biopharma companies to accelerate drug development programs through AI-powered imaging solutions.  




SDG 10: Reduced inequality 

Artificial Intelligence can be a transformative force in global healthcare, especially in regions facing critical shortages of medical professionals, for instance, radiologists. In places where the shortage of radiologists is stark, AI could be the superhero, empowering a handful of radiologists to manage the workload that once seemed impossible. Picture this – millions of women in need of mammography in Kenya, and only a handful of fellowship-trained breast radiologists. That’s where AI swoops in, not just as a solution but as a beacon of hope. By streamlining image interpretation through an AI-assisted workflow, AI becomes the bridge to timely and potentially life-saving diagnoses. 




SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production 

At Quibim, our advanced imaging technologies play a crucial role in supporting Sustainable Development Goal 12. By leveraging AI-driven precision solutions, we are not only transforming healthcare but also significantly reducing the need for unnecessary exploratory procedures, leading to more sustainable consumption and production patterns in the medical field. One of the most impactful ways Quibim contributes to SDG 12 is by minimizing the need for invasive diagnostic procedures, such as biopsies. Our MRI-based imaging technologies have been shown to avoid up to 30% of unnecessary biopsies. This reduction in exploratory procedures translates into a decrease in the consumption and disposal of single-use medical equipment typically required for these interventions. In the long term, this contributes to a significant reduction in the environmental footprint of healthcare practices.   

By optimizing the use of imaging data and enhancing the accuracy of diagnostics, we reduce the reliance on redundant or excessive tests. This approach not only conserves resources but also streamlines patient care, leading to more efficient healthcare delivery and a reduction in overall waste generation. On a larger scale, the widespread adoption of Quibim’s AI-powered imaging solutions can lead to a systemic reduction in the production of single-use diagnostic tools. As unnecessary procedures are avoided, the demand for these tools diminishes, driving a shift towards more sustainable production practices within the healthcare industry.  

Quibim is committed to continuously improving our technologies to further enhance their sustainability impact. We actively invest in research and development to refine our AI algorithms, making them more efficient and environmentally friendly. Our goal is to lead the healthcare industry toward a future where advanced diagnostics and sustainability go hand in hand. 




SDG 16: Peace, justice, and strong institutions 

Quibim prioritizes ethical business practices and transparency. Our behavior defines our identity and establishes the attitudes that, when applied daily, allow us to realize our ambition: to transform healthcare and improve human lives through AI-guided precision solutions. 

Quibim’s team works to bring to light the best in each of us to change precision medicine. We create a place centered around innovation, courage, trust, and integrity, sharing an ambition to realize the future of healthcare and improve people’s lives, through AI-based technologies, that have the potential of creating more inclusive societies. Our team emphasizes proactivity, communication, and transparency so that we can achieve any goal we set out to accomplish. All Quibimers must behave fully and responsibly, in line with the applicable laws and regulations, with the integrity and honesty appropriate to the social impact of the healthcare industry and to the confidence that our customers have placed in us.  



Our ethical business practices and transparency are exemplified by the following:

  • A Transparency Portal that builds on trust as a central pillar of what being a Quibimer means. 
  • An effective system for reporting wrongdoings through a Whistleblowing Channel, demonstrating management’s commitment to Quibim’s ethical culture. 
  • Quibim has a robust information management system, being ISO 27001 certified and applying stringent data protection measures that have an impact on upholding patients’ rights and ensuring regulatory and legal compliance.






SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals 

Quibim believes in the power of collaboration to achieve the SDGs. We build strong partnerships with scientific societies, universities, healthcare institutions, and other companies to drive innovation and enhance healthcare outcomes. By partnering with leading biopharma companies, academic institutions, healthcare organizations and scientific societies, we seize collective expertise to advance medical research. These collaborations result in the development of innovative technologies that improve patient care and accelerate drug development. Partnerships enable us to leverage collective expertise and resources, fostering advancements in healthcare and contributing to the achievement of the SDGs. 


Our Future Commitments 

Quibim is currently in the process of introducing a Corporate Volunteering Plan that will allow the opportunity for employees to volunteer with various patient associations. This endeavor offers an exceptional opportunity to support cancer patients and their families in a meaningful manner, providing them with hope, time, and dedication. The impact of this initiative will not only be felt by the patients and their families but also by all Quibimers who will be inspired and motivated by their own contributions. Additionally, participating in this initiative will allow Quibim employees to further demonstrate their resolute commitment to combating cancer and other illnesses and promoting early detection. 

Quibim is committed to playing a vital role in achieving the SDGs, answering the universal call to action to protect the planet, and helping all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. Through our innovative technologies and focus on specific goals like improving patient outcomes, we are creating a positive ripple effect that contributes to a healthier planet. 

We invite all stakeholders in the healthcare sector to join us in this endeavor. Your participation is crucial as we work together to create a future where cutting-edge medical technology goes hand in hand with sustainable development. Let’s make a difference together. 
