
Post-approval: Identifying patients suffering from axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) at an early stage, candidates for an approved drug

Working to improve early detection and diagnosis through medical images.
Application Inmunology

The challenge

A top-tier biopharmaceutical company had an already approved monoclonal antibody for treating axial Spondylarthritis (axSpA). The diagnosis of axSpA is based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and its interpretation is challenging and subjective. 16.4% of patients with Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) are misdiagnosed and suffer from axSpA [van Hoeven et al. Arthritis Research & Therapy (2017) 19:143]. AxSpA is diagnosed with an average delay of 7 years.

The revenue originated from the drug commercialization was unpredictable due to the variability in the radiologist’s expertise in the interpretation of sacroiliac joints MRI across hospitals.

The solution

Quibim and the biopharmaceutical company entered a strategic partnership structured in two phases: algorithm development and clinical validation with the regulatory clearance, and algorithm on-site deployment. The biopharmaceutical partner supported the collection of MRI exams for AI model training through their network of hospitals.

  • Quibim’s solution will allow for an increased predictability of revenue across hospitals by standardizing a diagnostic aid for axSpA.
  • Quibim’s solution will offer a systematic method for interpretation of imaging data through QP-Discovery® cloud platform that all rheumatologists and radiologists from the sites can use to analyze the MRI exams and to obtain the output of the algorithm.
  • The algorithm will lead the digital transformation of the drug marketing strategy, offering the drug to the clinical specialist and an AI-based tool to diagnose the disease.

The outcome

We will design and create a new tool with an already-existing product-market fit and a unique value proposition – currently in a category with no competitors. We are now scaling the relationship with the biopharmaceutical company to other indications using an already existing algorithm implemented and cleared by us.

Image 1 axSpA CS